Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Happiest Cat Pose or Super Anandamarjari Asana!

Me-ommmmm Efurrybuddy and devoted yogicats! I can't believe its been two months since I posted about my purrrrrrfection in Advanced Supta Padahastasana! Clicky here to see it fur yourself! Me-Ommmmm

Today I am feeling most blissful, and so I am sharing with you Super Anandamarjari Asana, or the happiest cat pose:

When practicing this pose remember to gently rock from side to side and lift the corners of your mouth towards your ears. :-) My you all be blissful, happy, and joyous! Me-Ommmmm

P.S. If you are looking fur a most pawsome holiday gift fur all the children you know, Mama is giving away the e-version of her holiday fairy tale fur all to view! Clicky here get it!


  1. Welcome back and we have missed you. Now off to try that one out. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. zoe...thiz bee de awesumest pawsomest poze...ever !!! ♥♥♥♥♥

    heerz two a grate week oh end with plentee oh perch on yur platez ! ♥

  3. Hey Swami Zoe! Here is your official invite for NaNo(Meow)Mo! :D We loved your posts last year!

  4. Not sure my comment posted, but Sage does enjoy that pose

  5. We do that pose here, Swami Zoe! :)

  6. Making sure you made it home from the Tabby Cat Party yesterday. So happy to see you! Hope you had a fun Halloween. It was very nice spending time with you yesterday.
    What a great pose, you must help me to loosen up my tight muscles.

  7. Allie: ooooh, I simply MUST try this pose! I'll bet it gets me extra belly rubs too!

  8. Swami Zoe, we love stopping by to see all the cute poses you do. Your directions to do this pose correctly are so pawsome. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals
