Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Waning Moon, A Time to Rest

Me-Ommmmm! Tonight is a Full Blue Moon! With this rare occurrence, Mama and I have decided that it was time to take a short break from the blogosphere (Mama has four blogs to manage!). The Waning Moon is a time to rest, but rest is also an activity in itself, so I will of course be keeping up on my yoga and zen mediation practice! If you need assistance with your yoga practice while I am away, you can purchase my book or eBook. A portion of the proceed will also go towards animal rescue! Me-Ommmmm

Me and Apollo in a focused mind-melding meditation!

Activity and rest are two vital aspects of life. To find a balance in them is a skill in itself. Wisdom is knowing when to have rest, when to have activity, and how much of each to have. Finding them in each other – activity in rest and rest in activity – is the ultimate freedom.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


  1. This means more cuddles for Speedy,xx Rachel

  2. Enjoy your rest!! Take care and take things easy! x

  3. Oh Zoe how i envyz you so cwose to my sweetz wittle wion man Apollo....west my sweetz and i will dweam a wittle dweam of you..i west to..must conservez my pluxuriousness..mummy iz going awayz and i muz be stwong...finkz of me sweet womeo Apollo and we meetz in my swumber landz...your twu wuvz Dinnermintz....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  4. You give the right example, Zoe, I will follow..Ohmmmmmm. Peaceful Pawkisses :)

  5. Have a great rest and we shall see you soon refreshed and full of get up and go. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. Nice! Hope for you to come by my blog! Happy WW!:-)

  7. enjoy yur time on vacationz with yur mom zoe & apollo....haza grate rest full relax time; see ewe when ewe come bak !!

  8. Taking time to snuggle is furry important!! xx

  9. Enjoy your rest, sweet Zoe! Me Ohhhhhmmmmmm!

  10. Swami you give so much along with Mom. A purrfect time to rest.
    We put a link to your book on our Bloggie. We all read it and found great wisdom therein. That a part goes to rescue only secures greater purrfection of practice

  11. So that's why we were in nap mode!!! MOL, you two look sweet, all snoozly.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

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